Strong Men Prefer Strong Women

There are two female profiles below. Which do you prefer? Montse: an emotionally stable, mentally and physically strong, creative, feminine, sensitive woman; reads/listens to books on psychology and philosophy and takes her personal development seriously; never complains, even when she is in physical pain; never lashes out with unsubstantiated emotional acusations; listens carefully during conversations […]

How to Overcome Big Challenges?

While working on significant technical, economic, and geopolitical projects over the years, I’ve developed several mental frameworks that help to create clarity whenever I’m confronting a significant challenge. Most challenges in life are magnified by irrational fear and self-consciousness, but those are just symptoms of a deeper issue: Lacking the ability to visualize a goal […]

Justice, Power & Wisdom

We All Lose from Systemic Injustice. I have a good friend who is a founder of a multibillion-dollar company who has been thoroughly eviscerated by a biased judge in a protracted court battle. In fact, I know several people who have been on the receiving end of court decisions that were substantially corrupted by institutional […]

Crowd Wisdom & The Memory Hole

Introduction to LibroGod. A friend of mine (I’ll call him LibroGod.) is an accomplished business person and a fanatical connoisseur of “important books.” LibroGod has collected thousands of physical books. He has developed a complex classification system to organize them according to his personal system of values, which he believes is the only meaningful way […]

The Bridge Between Dream and Reality

Undisciplined Societies Cannot Compete in a Global Economy. Many people no longer believe wealth is created from hard work, discipline and patience. In fact, these concepts are so repulsive to some people these days that I had to consider whether to even include them in the first paragraph of this article. That brief, seemingly benign but […]