Unknown Truth or Untrue Conspiracy?

Why is Truth Often Disregarded as a Conspiracy Theory? This is an important question because a society that can’t distinguish between truth and untrue conspiracy will inevitably suffer a breakdown in its economic, political, and social systems. As a former Cryptological Linguist and Intelligence Analyst for the U.S. Government with a Top-Secret security clearance, I […]

Is Institutional Corruption Only a Conspiracy Theory?

This article is intended as a map to hundreds of documented sources of government and corporate corruption and malfeasance. From now on, if you ever see anybody say, “It’s not that bad” or “that’s just a conspiracy theory,” now you can cure their delusions by pointing them to this article. All credit for the following […]

Do You Need More Proof?

This article is a follow-up to Is U.S. Foreign Policy Controlled by Corporations? No matter how much evidence you present to some people, they still cannot escape their propaganda bubbles. So, this article provides years’ worth of high-quality reading material for anybody who doubts the credibility of anything in any of the articles or books at […]

Meet the Real Adam Smith

Most people have never read Adam Smith’s book, The Wealth of Nations; and far fewer have read the complete, unabridged version, which exceeds 1,100 pages. This is understandable considering the 100s of pages that Smith devotes to mundane topics like exchange rates, corn production, purchasing power parity, labor wage rates, the virtues of the division […]

What Would the USA’s Founders Do in the Middle East Today?

I was asked that question recently. Here was my response: For the first 123 years of the USA’s existence, the U.S. Founding Fathers and all U.S. presidents were committed to: “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.” (Thomas Jefferson 1801). President James Monroe in 1823: In the wars of the […]

The Truth About North Korea

If you have not seen this thought-provoking, free film on YouTube, please watch it. As you watch it, try to block out all your preconceived notions about North Korea, the United States, and Western culture in general. Don’t underestimate the power of your own subconscious biases and prejudices. Clearing the garbage from our minds is […]

Are You Possessed by the Demon of Political Correctness?

Praise Feels Good . . . My book, Broken Capitalism: This Is How We Fix It, has received almost universally positive praise from humans across the socioeconomic spectrum. In fact, some of the most glowing reviews have come from “non-white” readers. Non-white humans have literally hugged me on the streets of New York City after […]

Crowd Wisdom & The Memory Hole

Introduction to LibroGod. A friend of mine (I’ll call him LibroGod.) is an accomplished business person and a fanatical connoisseur of “important books.” LibroGod has collected thousands of physical books. He has developed a complex classification system to organize them according to his personal system of values, which he believes is the only meaningful way […]

Proof of Google Censorship & a Path to Freedom

My professional life depends on rationally separating facts from fiction, evidence-based economic analysis, data-driven decision-making, and real-world experience. In fact, I’ve even written about the difference between truth, fiction, and propaganda. So, what I’m about to share with you is not coming from somebody who shouts “conspiracy!” without substantial evidence. Background Summary. As some of […]

The Mind of a Corrupt Organization

In “Unknown Truth or Untrue Conspiracy?” and “Is Institutional Corruption Only a Conspiracy Theory?” we learned about some of the most shocking government and corporate “conspiracy theories” that are actually true, despite self-serving governments, corporations, and political operatives who try to convince us that they are merely conspiracy theories. In this article, we’re going to […]