The Virus That Spawns the Disease of Terrorism

What International Relations framework is most capable of dealing with global terrorism in the 21st Century and beyond? This is a question I have been asked several times. There is a short answer and a slightly longer answer. The short answer: Constructivism is the best approach because it’s not blinded by ideology and special interest […]

What’s Really Wrong with the Banking System?

Many people have a vague sense that the financial system is broken and corrupt, but they often don’t know how to explain exactly what is wrong. This is understandable because there is so much noise, false information and propaganda spewed in the mainstream media. Additionally, many politicians and corporate executives deliberately manipulate public perceptions of […]

The Switzerland of South America: “Freedom or Death”

“Freedom or death” is Uruguay’s national motto. Those three words give us meaningful insight into Uruguay’s national psyche, its cultural affinity for the principles of civil liberty and self-determination, and its deep yearning for economic freedom. From its earliest days in the mid-19th Century, the modern state of Uruguay has been a nation with a […]

The Mechanics of a Global Wealth Transfer

Economic Models Collapse in the Real World. Economic neoliberalism is a theoretical economic framework that many academics and political and business leaders like to promote because it performs well inside clean-room laboratory conditions (i.e., economic models).1 Some people embrace these models in good faith; others use them strategically to manipulate and deceive. Regardless, in the […]

Transnational Economic Cannibals

The Genesis of Today’s Global Economy. When the international trade regime (GATT, WTO, NAFTA, etc.) that dominates the world today was created between 1947 and the 1990s, it was based on several assumptions about economics, politics, and social welfare. These trade agreements and their implicit assumptions were shaped by the politicians and corporate executives of […]

The Rise of Nuclear Trump

Americans Have a Choice Between Two Insane Options. They are forced to choose between an insane foreign policy and an insane nuclear weapons policy. Recently, I had a conversation with a friend (I’ll call him “Johnny”.) who is the president of a prominent geopolitical think-tank that focuses on international security issues. The issue of nuclear proliferation came […]

Why Aren’t There More Women in Politics?

The Nature vs. Nurture False Dichotomy. It requires a kind of religious zealotry or willful blindness to believe that biology is the primary determinant of social behaviors and gender roles in any human society. The endless and banal “nature vs. nurture” debate reflects a deeply false dichotomy. To believe that human behavior is derived from […]

Warning: Risk of Death to Your Economy

Dangerous Products Should Have Warning Labels. Products that come with plastic bags that can suffocate and kill children have warning labels. Economic policies that can suffocate and kill a country’s economy should also have warning labels. For example, “Warning: Risk of Death to Your Economy” should be the label on all globalist economic policies. And […]

Comparing the Quality of German & U.S. Governments

Why is Government Quality So Important? The quality of a country’s governance is the most significant factor that determines the quality of life that it can provide to its citizens. The most significant factor that determines the quality of a country’s governance is the integrity of its government institutions and policymaking processes. Compared to the […]

Is Capitalism Undemocratic?

Like most aspects of life, the true nature of Capitalism and its impact on humanity can only be understood as continuously shifting shades of reality. Karl Marx famously stated that Democracy is undemocratic and he developed a philosophical framework to empower workers to improve their working conditions, which he believed could only improve if Capitalism […]